55 Years of NSA-UNSA Curtis Aggies

Curtis Aggie UNSA Yearbooks Online


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Pages in this section are dedicated to the Alumni of NSA-UNSA

The years that the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture (UNSA), formerly Nebraska School of Agriculture (NSA), was a high school in Curtis Nebraska were becoming just a memory of those that had attended the school. 1373055248.jpgWishing to preserve some of those memories, Ken Mercer (1946 - 2018 Class of 1964) took on the task of scanning pages from old yearbooks.
In the spring of 2013 Ken enlisted the help of fellow classmate, Jack Andersen, to design a website for displaying the pictures. Those pages are listed here in order of the year and page number. There is a searchable data base so the user will be able to find pages containing mention of the name of a classmate, relative, faculty member, or friend. You can also search by class year, last name starts with, or get a listing by home town.
1516812522.jpgFor those of you that attended NSA/UNSA when it was a high school, you will find some familiar faces. Many of you will remember Ken Mercer (1946-2018). Pictured on the right with his wife Glenda, Ken Graduated from UNSA in 1964. Without Ken's dedication and hard work this website would not have become a reality.
We invite you to use the links on the left to browse through the pages or search for familiar names. To get the most from your searches we suggest that you read the Search Tips. Students last names can be followed with a comma and faculty last names can be followed with a period to limit the results.
Currently the school is operating as the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture1373384371.jpgInformation about NCTA can be found at their website by clicking the link. Some pictures of Curtis taken in the spring of 2013 can be found by clicking the link Curtis in 2013. There have been some changes on the campus.
As we indexed the pages we found some instances where we felt the spelling on the page was in error and entered the name, in the index, as we thought it should be spelled. We have made mistakes and would appreciate your help in correcting them. If you do a search and get a page that does not contain the person you were looking for use the Contact Form to send us an email. Please indicate the year, page number, and person's name where the error is found.
We have a page at www.facebook.com/CurtisAggie if you would like to leave a message for others to see. You can also send an email to Jack from the Contact Page.
There are currently 3564 classmates from 240 towns listed on our website. A total of 3203 pages are available today.