UNSTA - NSTA Curtis Aggies

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Pages in this section are dedicated to the Alumni of UNSTA-NCTA

After serving as a High School for 50 years, in 1963 the legislature made the decision to phase out the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture (UNSA).  1555704658.jpgIt was determined that high school courses at the school be discontinued after June 30, 1968. The new college was to be called the University of Nebraska School of Technical Agriculture (UNSTA). During the years 1965 thru 1968 high school students were forced to share the campus with college students.
Read a comprehensive history of the school at: Summary of Aggies history originally written in 2012 by Eric M. Reed, professor and division chairman of General Education,and expanded in November, 2015,with Mary Crawford, NCTA external relations coordinator.
During the summer of 2018 Mo Khamouna contacted Jack Andersen with a vision of  1555707445.jpga website similar to the one for UNSA Curtis Aggies for NCTA alumni. After researching several options it was determined that these pages would be added to the existing site.
Were it not for the hard work of Mo Khamouna, Brittany Pellatz, & Brenleigh Daum these pages would not have become a reality.
There are several years when a yearbook was not published. A couple of editions where the classmates home town is not listed. At least one year where it was not possible to determine if the classmate was an underclassman or graduate. As with similar projects these pages are still a work in progress. We appreciate any help we receive in correcting errors or adding hometown or class year information.
Please use the Contact form for comments or suggestions
Click the link All NCTA Yearbooks to see which years the books are available. Use the search features on the left to find classmates.
There are currently 4208 NCTA - UNSTA classmate names from 694 towns listed on in the NTCA section. A total of 1242 NTCA pages are available today.
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