55 Years of NSA-UNSA Curtis Aggies
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Follow Student last name
with a comma.
Follow Faculty last name
with a period.


Can't find a name that should be listed?

The tips below may help you find that person.
Our name search feature finds names using a "wild card" search. That is it looks for the exact set of letters within the name. Those letters may be anywhere within the name. A search for Carl Christen will find Carl Christen and Carl Christenson. A search for carl will find Carl Christen, Carl Christenson, and anyone named Carlson. A search for the last letter of the first name, then a space, and the first few letters of the last name can be used, however the first letter of the first name and the first part of the last name will not provide results in most cases.
If you are not finding a name you are looking for:
      1. Check the spelling. Do NOT include a + in the search. Use a space instead.
      2. Try the first name, then a space, and the first letter(s) of the last name.
      3. Try the last letter of the first name, then a space and the first letter(s) of the last name.
      4. Try just the last name and choose a yearbook in the range of years the classmate may have been in Curtis.
      5. Try just a few letters in the name. We may have misspelled the name when we entered it.
      6. Remember, the search is looking of the letters in the exact order you entered them. A search for Jack will bring up anyone
          with Jack as a first name but will also bring up anyone with a last name of Jackson
      7. Wood will also find Greenwood. To limit the search to just Wood try placing a comma after the name. Wood, instead of just Wood
      8. To search for a faculty member try placing a period after the last name.
Once you find a name in the compete set of books, I suggest that you choose a yearbook that is in the year range and try a search for just the last name in that book. Many of the pages only have the last name listed.
If you find an error on a page, please use the Curtis Aggie - Email Form to send us a message. Tell us what the error is and on what page you found it. Thank you!