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1944_booklet Dale Amann, Gerald Anderjaska, Maurice Anderson, Merrell Anderson, Harriet Bacon, Helen Bullard, Geraldine Barger, Gerald Beel, Stanley Brooke, Roland Brubaker, Mavis Burton, Darrell Chilcott, Lois Kiefer, Wilma Gartrell, Richard Gorley, Ruben Goertz, Marvin Greenwood, Harold Grunden, Jean Guildner, Lucille Gutherless, Marylouise Hanna, Ri8chard Hanna, LaVonne Hardwick, Harry Hayward, Donald Christensen, Wayne Clough, Ruby Cochran, Wilford Cole, Neil Cross Gerald Dillman, Dean Erdman, Delores Estermann, Jack Everson, Mildred Fairhead, Maxine Flock Vierson, Maxine Flock, Sam Floro, Merle Hayward, Don Herian, Ila Mae Hevlin, John Hoatson, Lloyd Houghtelling, Clayton Huffman, Henrietta Huffman, Mabel Huffman, Jack Hunter, Bill Iodence, Nadine Janeski, Alice Jewell, Lavawn Johnson, Marvin Jorgensen, Robert Jurgens, Devona Kelly, Otis King, Jack King, Pat Klase, Reta Knudsen, Jean Loghry, Lois Larson, Harry Martin, Don Mathers, Haley Mell, Grant Remus, Richard Roach, Canilla Robertson, Nelson Robertson, Dean Roggensees, Elvenita Russel, Robert Russell, Rosalie Scarf, Wilma Schultz, Dale Shaner, Frances Smith, William Smith, Dorothy Merrell, Mearl Miller, Patsy Miller, Robert Nall, Bruce Nall, Robert Naylor, Mack Nutt, Kelly Mercer, Evelyn Olson, Virginia Peterson, Margaret Phillips, Leonard Phipps, Bill Pierce, Robert Perrett, Charles Steinmeyer, Morton Steinmeyer, Billy Taylor, Robert Teel, Royal Teel, Paul Tetherow, Hilda Thompson, William Votaw, Harry Wales, Charles Walters, Gordon Wendler, Gordon Wandler, Lila Willard, Edward Wilson,
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